Friday, May 27, 2011

Numero 7!

Race number 7 took me to Lodi, to complete the Avenue of the Vines.  I was supposed to do a tri this weekend, but changed my mind two weeks before the race.  The race was on May 15th.

My 26th birthday the day before had brought me to the San Francisco Creamery.  We tried to eat the Kitchen Sink, but were unsuccessful! 
Probably not the best pre race food!

Matt and I drove up to Lodi that morning to do the race.  We arrived about 10 minutes before we were supposed to start running.  We had enough time to get our number, put our goody bag somewhere in hopes no one would take it and get to the start.

Matt and I were running together, it wasn't long into the race that I had to use the restroom....However, there was no room to be had!  It wasn't until mile 5 that I finally saw a potty!  Off we went into the smells of the cows and their manure, and the rows and rows of grape vines.

I didn't have the best time, I actually had the worst time I've ever had!  Let's hope it was the pre race dinner that I had, and not that I peaked at 25 and it's all down hill!!! 
At least I finished what I started! 

Matthew and I after the race!

Next race Lake Chabot Half Marathon with a time limit of 3 hours!   Wish me luck!