Thursday, September 15, 2011

Race 14

August 20th brought me to my 14th race of the year!   Another triathlon in Pleasanton!  I was hoping to beat my time from June!
Let's rewind to the night before the race....I decided it would be a good idea to take my bike for a spin and to use Alle's bike pump to pump up my tires!  So I headed to Bryan and Alle's house, for what seemed like a torturous mile.  I got there and discovered why!  My tires were extremely flat, not only that but the back tubing had sprung a leak....uh oh!  Alle and I drove raced over to Sports Authority, but they did not have the tube we needed.  It was nearly 9:00 and we raced over to Sports Basement in Walnut Creek.  The doors were locked, but they let us in!!!  I love Sports Basement and will only go there from now on!  We purchased the tube and a spare one as well and were on our way!
Dad accompanied me to this race.  I was excited because I knew he would see me break another record!
Race morning arrived and I had decided to leave later than I should have...lesson learned. 
I headed to registration grabbed my race number, had my number written on me and then headed to get my bike from dad.  I set up my station and we headed over to the starting line.
Before I got into the water!
I'm out there standing in the water...try to find me!
The swim took me 11 minutes, I was behind my time from last time by 1 minute, but it was alright because I felt great as I stepped out of the water!
I have to get to my bike!!!
I made a quick transition in the transition area and I was off!
I love this picture because the background looks fuzzy and I look so clear!
I felt so much better this ride probably because my tires were pumped up! I know the course was the same as June, but the course didn't feel that way. It seemed easier and like there was less incline.

Find me!  I'm on the other side of the crowd coming in!
Trying to put my bike back before I start the run!
Now it was time for the run, I was feeling very confident because I was beating the time I had in my head for this part of the race.  I grabbed my bib holder put it around my waist and set off.  I was glad to see that right away there was a water stop because I was very thirsty.
Here I go!  See you in 3 miles!
The first little bit of the running my legs always feel like Jello!  It's an interesting sensation.  Once I finally got my legs back I felt like I was on fire.  I know I'm not the fastest person out there but I was on a roll, and I felt great.  I continued to push myself telling myself that I can not walk that I need to run, and that this race really isn't all that far and I can do it.  Before I knew it I was crossing the finish line with a time of 1:34!   A whole 11 minutes faster than June!!!!

Race 14 is complete!
I could not believe that I had beaten my time by 11 minutes, I did not think I was going to do that great!
I was so hungry just like every other race, that I had to make my first stop the refreshment table.

Just enjoying some oranges!  I'm hungry!

 This was a great race and I can't wait til my next tri in Sept. 
Next Race: Disneyland Half Marathon! September 4th!