Thursday, February 10, 2011

Race Three

Race three was the Davis Stampede!  It took place on February 6, 2011.  This race definitely had its ups and its downs.  This was the first half marathon of the Northern California Half Marathon series.
The only goal I set for myself was to be under 3 hours!

The guy that took our picture really didn't know how to take a picture! :)  He took a picture of his thumb twice, before getting this picture.  We are standing at the starting line, and the finish line is that black thing in the background.

Black is definitely a better race day picture color, I've decided that from these pictures! LOL

Alle took a picture of Matt and I so that we could see the START banner!

The race started at 8:10 or a little after.  Matthew left Alle and I at the starting line.  Alle and I ran to just about mile marker 1 before she took off.  I was glad to have someone start the race with me, I always do better when I have someone pushing me.  The race course went through many parks and weaved in and out of city streets and neighborhood streets.  During mile 6-7 I ran with two ladies from Danville, I am glad because they were running at a faster pace then I was. When I finally hit mile 10 I was thrilled!   I kept checking my time while I was running, and kept repeating to myself: "You are racing against yourself and no one else!"  When I came out of the last park I could see the finish line, and took off in a sprint, until I realized in order to get to the finish line I needed to turn left and go through another street to get there.  Right before I turned the corner that would lead me on a straight away to the finish line I saw Alle and Matthew cheering me on!   Matt said, "You are going to make it just a few seconds after 3 hours."   I was crushed that I had once again let a race defeat me.  I started in a dead sprint (well what felt like a dead sprint) to the finish line, and that's when I saw it.  The time on the clock still had a two in the front of it!!!  I was trying to run as fast as I could , there were kids running everywhere because there was a kids race going on right by the finish line.  I crossed that line, threw my arms in the air, and started crying!  I had finally done it!!!
My official finishing time was 2 hours 57 minutes and 26 seconds!!
Alle finished in 1 hour 58 minutes and 39 seconds!
Matthew finished in 2 hours 10 minutes and 19 seconds!
We all did so great!

I did however, end up straining my foot, but no pain no gain!  I crushed my PR by almost 5 minutes!
Never again will I see a 3 in the front of my half marathon times!!

We went to celebrate our times and accomplishments by getting some lunch at Fenton's in Vacaville!

Alle and I in front of Fenton's ready to go in! 

Matthew and I in front of Fenton's!

I am very proud of the three of us!

My next half marathon is March 27th with Alle and Sara in Oakland!

I'm not sure if I'm doing the race in February, it depends on how my foot is!

1 comment:

  1. Kristen is my hero. Prepare for the next race in Oakland!
