Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Numero Nueve

First off I can't believe it's already almost the end of June!  Man time sure does fly when you are having fun!  This past Saturday on June 18th, brought me to Pleasanton.  I had been anxiously been waiting for another Triathlon to come up in my race sequence.  This race was the first in a series of three Tri for Fun events.  Originally on my calendar I was going to do the whole series, however another race in July intrigued me a little more.  Although I'm still debating about doing both races next month...on the same day!

Getting ready for the swim!
I was feeling my usual butterflies as I headed towards the water, and I loved it.  As I headed to the starting area, I decided to feel the water, it was not very cold, but it was not bath water as a woman described behind me.  There were six waves that started the race, I was in wave  4.  There weren't that many people in wave 4, and I was actually towards the front of the pack for starting off the race, usually I stick to the back because I don't want to get kicked in the head. 
When the horn went off we started going, I was feeling great the first buoy seemed so close.  Next thing I knew I kicked someone in the head...it was very different as I'm usually dodging feet!
The water was so clear.  I turned and passed the first buoy and in no time I was to the second buoy.  Before I knew it I was getting out of the water.  The swim was 1/4 of a mile and I finished in 10 minutes.

This is actually me after the race. (I just felt a picture was needed here! :) )
I headed to my bike, threw my shoes and shirt on and was off!  I tackled the first climb and started riding as fast as I could go.  There were people flying passed me, I don't think I was in the right gear and my front tire might have been flat.  Hopefully I'll get that figured out before my next race.
I felt like I did a good job of going as fast as I could on the bike.
I  finished the 11 miles in 45 minutes!

Last came the run! My least and most favorite part.  Least because I always wish I was better, favorite because the race is almost done and I almost have another race under my belt.
The run was 3 miles.  My legs always take some adjusting, but I was having some pains in the arch of my foot.  As I was running I came upon a man that was running in a Hawaiian shirt I had already seen him twice on the race, and I felt like I had seen him before.  It wasn't until someone else said to him that she had seen him at a few different tris, that I realized that he was the Hawaiian shirt wearing man from my first triathlon, Scott Tinley!
I continued to run as I passed the water station a total of 3 times during the run.  I came in around 40 minutes.

I did it!!

All in all I am very proud of how I preformed on this race!  I can't wait to see how I do when this course faces a rematch with me in August!

Up next: (Just added 30 minutes ago :) hehe) Summerfest 10K in Sacramento!

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